How to upload bulk files to CMS via FTP method?

Step-1: Log-in to the Cadjin CMS .

Step-2: In the left side menu, go to 'Digital Library' section, then go to the "Assets" section.

Step-3:Now click on +New Assets, in this you will see a option of FTP Sync, click on it you will get you FTP details here like Host name (IP Address), User name and Password of FTP server.

Step-4: Now install "Fillezilla Client" on your system and then after installing Fillezilla Client, open it. Go to extreme top left corner of the Toolbar and click on First Icon (3 Server icon) - Single VOD icon. After clicking it add New site and enter your FPT details here like FTP Host name, Password and User name which you got from your CMS.

Step-5: Then click on Connect button. FTP it is connected now, you can also see it. (The Status will show the message 'Connection established')

Step-6: Now drop your file on right side in mid section. (You can upload maximum upto 50 GB in one go over here for starting plan if you need a large server then you need to connect with Cadjin Team - )

Step-7: Once the file is uploaded in Filezilla then you need go to your CMS and then go to FTP and click on Sync button and also refresh your page. Now go to your assets it is added now.

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