How to Upload a trailer ?

Step-1: Log-in to the Cadjin CMS .

Step-2: In the left side menu, under 'Digital Library', go to the 'Asset Manager section. Asset Manager is a place where you can add all your assets like videos, photos, posters, banners etc.

Step-3: In 'Asset Manager', you can upload trailer in four different ways, i.e, add files directly from your Google drive, from AWS, from Dropbox or you can add multiple files by uploading it from your PC.

Step-4: To add Trailer video from your Local Drive (or PC/Laptop), click '+New Asset' button. Then click on the first option i.e, Choose File. It opens the file explorer.

Step-5: Now go to the location where you've stored your desired assets/files. Simply select your video and click 'Open'.

Step-6: A 'Upload Files' modal will open. Verify the file name you want to upload. In the 'Save as Trailer' section, select YES button. Then click the Submit button. That's it ! The video file will save in the 'Asset manager' as a trailer.

Step-7: After the uploading progress bar is complete, click on Done. Now you can see your trailer video is showing in the asset list including all the information about the video (like- Title, Size, Upload date, different Transcoded formats, status etc.)

(A) If the video file is NOT save as Trailer in the Asset, then it will be considered as a main video/non-trailer video.
(B) File uploading and transcoding time may vary depending on its size and internet speed.

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