Step-1: Log-in to the Cadjin CMS .
Step-2: In the left side menu, under 'Digital Library', go to the Content section.
Step-3: You can see Content List (If created any). To create a single VOD content, click on +Add Content button.
Note here that, there are 5 (Five) stages of single VOD content creation as shown below :
Step-4: In the first stage of VOD Content creation, select the Asset type, i.e. Video or Audio file.
Click on video camera icon -
Step-5: Then select the upper-left first icon - 'Single Part Video' to create single VOD content.
Click on Save & Next.
Step-6: Next, add the main content from the Asset Manager to your single VOD content by clicking on Choose File.
(Note that the required video file must be uploaded to 'Asset manager' before adding it to the content.)
Step-7: Then, upload Trailer from the Asset Manager by clicking on Choose File. (Adding Trailer to your VOD is optional)
Click on Save & Next.
Step-8: After uploading the required content file from the Asset Manager, give the basic information or Content details about your
single VOD content. The basic information is such as Title of the content, Description, Artists, Thumbnail and Banner Images
associated with the content, Category, Sub-Category etc. (Note that Thumbnail and Banner can also be uploaded directly from your local storage drive/PC.)