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How to enable/disable a metadata field ?

Metadata is all the descriptions or attributes of the content itself, whether it be a webpage, image, product listing, video, audio, or other pieces of content that are stored in CMS. You can have different metadata for different types of content, such as an image, a video or an event. Following article will help you to understand the disable and enable activity of a custom metadata which was already created.

Step-1: Log-in to the cadjin Platform.

Step-2: In the left side menu, go to the Metadata section.

Step-3: Under Metadata menu, you can find Custom Field. Here you can find the list of Metadata Fields whcih are already created.

Step-4: Check the Status button of a perticular Metadata Field which you want to disable or enable.

Step-5: Now, simply click on the Status button to Enable (Button turns Green) or Disable the Metadata field.


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