How to add your Brand Logo to the website template ?

Step-1: Log-in to the Cadjin CMS .

Step-2: In the left side menu, under 'Website'section, go to the "Home Screen" section.

Step-3: Click on your Template and edit it by clicking on Edit button. Now go to the Header component of the template. In Header on extreme right corner there is a three dot icon click on it and edit it by clicking on Edit icon/pencil icon. This will open the Header Editor.
(Note: If Header component is not there in your template, then add a header component.)

Step-4: In the Header Editor, click on Add Logo section and then select the image of your Brand Logo from either your device or from Asset Manager. Then Crop the Logo Image and click on save button on bottom right corner below.
(Note: Although the CMS supports all types of image, however for Brand Logo it is recommended to upload a PNG type image with transparent background with given dimensions.)

Step-5: Then click on Save and Publish on top right corner. Now here your 'Brand Logo' is added to your website template.

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