Build a scalable solution for video experience, streaming and marketing with our APIs.

'Cyntax' is readily available set of powerful APIs that enable you to bring Cadjin to every part of your organization. Save engineering time with our easy-to-use APIs.Companies choose our APIs to launch faster, adapt as they grow, and automate workflows to do more with less. Use Cyntax and bring agility to your enterprise.

Rapidly connect applications and
launch your product.

Customers are now more connected in the internet era and their expectations have changed.
Cyntax understands consumers' connections, and delivers instant, personalized attention.

Cyntax Process

Trust Cyntax to create memorable products

Spark innovation, accelerate growth and provide unforgettable customer experiences.

  • Our SDKs are Adaptive, Lightweight, and Seamless, No matter which platform you're using

  • Secure workflows to Ingest, process, and distribute videos at scale

  • Let autonomous, self-managed integration handle the maintenance burden so IT can focus on strategic, high-value initiatives.

  • A simple and easy interface for communication between applications and the Cadjin server. Ensure robust security and authentication while designing your applications